Drilling the holes in the floor for the new wheel and pedestal

Drilling the holes in the floor for the new wheel and pedestal

Ground away the nobbley bits of weld on the gunwhale and decks

Ground away the nobbley bits of weld on the gunwhale and decks

Ground away the nobbley bits of weld on the decks

Ground away the nobbley bits of weld on the decks

Hull almost ready for sandblasting

The hull doesn't look like there has been any progress, but on average I've managed a few days a week. its now all about the final preperation on the hull before the blasting and painting, jobs now include:

Drill all the holes in the deck for the deck fittings, cut all the holes in the hull for seacocks, grind back random weld blobs within the bilges, new deck beams going forward to aft to take out some of the bounce in the 3mm steel deck, drill and cut holes for the winches, mainsheet, anchor windless, fit the tabernacle, support beams under the cockpit floor, make a new rudder stock and steering quadrant,  I'm just generally thinking about every fitting that will be attached to the hull to avoid any drilling, plasma cutting and grinding once the hull is painted.

New Rudder stock.

New Rudder stock.

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